Sunday, May 18, 2008

Promoting your music on Trademe - which is like EBay

oh oh killer post on the loose!!! Look out!!!

This is very NZ related but if you can think of Trademe as Ebay, much of it applies.

Trademe is my local New Zealand version of Ebay. It’s kind of a bit different but one things for sure.

New Zealanders are crazy about trademe. They’re insane. It’s worse than P (meth), there’s likely to be suffering in every family.

I think this is because kiwis love getting a sweet deal. They want to get the best deal, no matter what!

Sites like Trademe, Youtube and things like Mp3’s are all part of a megatrend called “digitisation” which is really a revolution in communication that we can interact with each other in this way, but of course is HIGHLY disruptive to certain industries the music industry obviously being one of them, and it wont be the last by no means.

But lets cut the fluff, the most important thing about Trademe in online music promotion is that essential concept:

It’s where the people are. This is why Myspace took off. Because everyone was there! When it comes to trademe in New Zealand . . . everyone uses trademe!!!!

I mean seriously. You have a profile on myspace but you’re not taking advantage of New Zealand’s biggest online community????

Lets look at what you can do on Trademe.

You can sell CD’s. You want physical distribution for your CD’s?

Your physical distributor is now crying in his soup because he is a poor poor man now. He does not care about sending 2 copies of your CD to every store in the wop wops so he can make what? $2? on each one.

He does not care.

Go see someone at Real Groovy. Make sure you ask for it to go to the four centres. Go home, put an ad on trademe.

YAY! You've got a distribution deal!!! Congratulations!!!!

And what do you know? You’ve got a “profile” on trademe! You can search it on google, pity you CANT put your website address, that’s against the rules.

But theres no reason you shouldn’t cram as much information about your music into that page as possible. This isn’t myspace! You’ve got a customer in the shop!

This is your opportunity to paint a picture of what it is that makes you a unique local voice and win them over with a stunning depiction of your raw essence that makes them just want to support!!!!

When you reflect on the new paradigm of the music industry and bloggers going on about the “1000 true fans” model for a successful career in music, the personal connection you make when you sell a CD on trademe is doing more work than a mountain of spam to take one step closer to having a viable fanbase.

For kiwi musicians who want to work hard this is FOR REAL. Make that interaction as positive as you can make it.

Put things in the envelope! Posters, stickers . . . use your imagination!

These people are purchasing directly off the artist and that makes them feel positive.I honestly feel, especially from lots of touring etc., that everyday New Zealanders everywhere want to support local musicians. They feel good about it, but the opportunity doesn’t really arise. Work that!

And you know what’s next!!!

”Wellll what else can we sell on trademe????”

Well it’s a little bit like that magic question

“What kinda stuff can we sell from our website in the future?”

Which I will posting about soon, BUT different because trade me is only for PRODUCTS and not SERVICES.

So you can sell a CD. Or a DVD. Or a T-Shirt. Or mugs. Lighters. Pens. Balloons.


Uh . . . you get the picture. There’s quite a bit of stuff you can sell on trademe.

In fact that’s the whole thing about this long tail thing I’ll tell you about sometime. You have to sell something for everybody. DEFINITELY have one area that you specialize in. But DO NOT have one measley little thing that you sell.

Innovate. When you innovate, success can creep up on you so fast its scary!


What products can you create with the resources you have that can be uniquely branded?

Hmmmm But no services! . . . SO that means you cant sell like

A performance, offering to play somewhere

Rights to a song. Or offer to write a song

BUTTTTT guess what?

You can sell ticketssssss! That’s right.

Got a gig on? Got a felt tip? (:p) Make some tickets and sell them on trademe!!!
Remember! It’s not about making $20 selling a couple of tickets if youre lucky on trademe.


Remember how I said go where the people are? MMMM

So okay how much were you spending on promotion for this gig coming up? Hundy? 2 spot? You’re doing radio??? You can get the front page of Trademe for what $40?? And like . . . 50,000 people are going to see it!!!

Could work out good if you timed it jjuuusssstt riiightttt

UHHHHH yeah.

Again. You can go on an on about your band and your CD, and all the other wonderful products you can purchase online!!! Good to have someone who can write well for that.

That’s why radio and magazines and stuff are in bigggg trouble. When you put your money to work smart online by giving it to google or trademe you can potentially do so much better with your investment, even if its $20.

Radio works when it plays KFC ads at lunch time. Trust me, I’m in marketing. HAHA

Okay moving right along. I actually have been working on a song called “Positive Feedback” and that’s what led me to right this blog.

I’m not even a real trademehead but even I – and I’m sure you identify with me – proudly maintain my feedback rating. It was only just now that I looked at my feedback and realised

”Great music, top guy!”

”Wicked sounds man!”

”Awesome beats!”

my feedback is now not just a pretty number but a totally compelling reason and impartial recommendation to purchase one or several of my fine products!

I can quote that stuff IN the listing, hell I can even put it on my CD Baby page, My myspace and let me just underline that point – that because of the pervasive use of Trademe in New Zealand telling people to buy your CD on Trademe is not a stretch because everyones got an account!!!

it's likely a lot of people would feel MORE comfortable buy on trademe than say Itunes!!!

So that’s my blog about trademe!

I think the most important things to remember are

- everyone in New Zealand is there, so you should too

- use your ad to tell readers about stuff that makes you unique

- innovate with your product line!!! Don’t just sell your CD album!! Get creative, look at your resources.

- You can sell tickets on trademe like it’s a default gig guide! You can use paid advertising to create exposure that goes beyond the product on auction

(that’s a big tip!!!! You owe me!!! HAHA)

- Lastly and most importantly:

You’re selling stuff on trademe. YES it is smalltime. This is your opportunity to invest in creating something out of what you have got – Other New Zealanders on trademe who are interested in your music!!!

You’ve got their email!!! You’re going to be sending them a physical delivery, you’ve got a chance to make that a significant interaction and begin building a quality fan base !!! DO IT!!!

Theres lots of other ways and reasons that online classified sites - such as craigslist - can be used in highly innovative ways for bands to sell services as well as products all over the world. But we'll have to get to that!

"So give me Positive. Feedback!

- trademe baby wont you save me!

Positive. Feedback!

- yeah just so I know, goods came as described!"

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