Wednesday, February 27, 2008

plasticast strikes back 2008: spamming freeconomics

Okay you may remember my concept the plasticast that I launched this time last year.

to me it was really positive because something I'd turned my back on – running a label – had evolved into a new concept, a giveaway CD promoting local artists that would generate contributions from acts that wanted to participate in the cd, and sponsors that would want to associate their brand with the giveaway.

Another concept I have developed is looking to develop a website that would start by combining itunes (retail) and myspace (social) go into competition with amplifier and could grow to cover practically every function of the NZ music industry within 5 years. But that's another story bound to lurk in the darkness until its moment comes.

But for the plasticast f course the money never materialized and I decided to pursue an interest in spam.

The funny thing is, the more I've learned about spam from bad guys as well as listening to "butter wouldn't melt" type marketers like Seth Godin the more I came back round to proposing value in a remarkable way.

See the problem with spam on myspace was that it was all done by crazy Korean university students sitting round in their undies playing RPGs and 1st person Shooters creating the most ridiculous propositions for penis pills, legal buds, maceys gift vouchers . . .

But even most lay band spammers don't understand how spam should be used . . . not just to leave stupidly oversized flyer comments about your latest gig or free download . . . spam works on levels that – though annoying and intrusive as they may be – are FAR more powerful.

My rule became that each time I issued a proposition on myspace by means of spam I had to propose value even MORE remarkably than the last time in order maintain my reputation in the NZ music scene as someone progressive with lofty ambitions for NZ music, not just a money grabbing nuisance taking myspace noobs for a ride.

So this time I am planning to go ahead with the plasticast but to fund it out of kurb myself as a unique "hook" concept, a remarkable concept, a positive concept under which to conduct my next spampaign which encourages the following ideas:

- that kurb is committed to promoting local music even where there isn't a guaranteed profit involved, and leading by example in showing how free content builds brands.

- unknown musicians must be willing to participate in such projects which do not generate revenue in order to create promotional opportunities to gain exposure, while unknown artists expecting to sell cd's at sold out gigs will be severely disappointed.

- take a business like approach to the development of new models and start ups, that is to put the model into testing before there is any sign of commercial interest.

- and most obviously, kurb and all the bands associated look good and create awareness and exposure doing it.

So yeah that's it, Plasticast is back on the cards! But because it's free, I'll have to work even harder to make sure the music on the CD is quality. Musicians with poor recordings, no engineering and most importantly that are falling out of tune and time all over the place will not make it on to the CD unless it really is a rough gem!

This helps cover another unspoken issue – that a lot of acts just don't have the talent.

Of course my first consideration will be for my clients, but come May hopefully there will be a new beta version of the Plasticast around Auckland.

If you're interested lets get those mp3's through to

i'm busy as remember so you're not likely to hear back from me for a while.

Otherwise . . . sit tight for that spam!!!!

Kurb website check it out

Real cheap CD/DVD reproduction in NZ

Kurb Promo on Youtube

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